Friday, May 1, 2009

Saturday of the third week of Easter

Biblical Readings ACTS 9: 31-42 Psalm 116: 12-17 John 6: 60-69
Psalm Response:"How can I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me"

God had told His disciples they would perform signs like and more woderful than they witnessed Him doing while He was with them. They had hoped for the ability but were skeptical, as sinners, they would be able to accomplish anything.
Peter, having been the one who denied Him three times before His crucifixion thouh he was the least of the Apostles. However, he knew from his experience with Johnn at
the temple precincts the wonders he performed in Jesus' name perhaps the dream of being the vessel of God could bring about the many miracles he and the other disciples executed while they were living.
Aeneas, a cripple confined to his bed for 8 years as a paraplegic had no idea he would be an example of the wonders they would peform in Jesus' name. So, when Peter told him to getout of his bed and make it, he must have had some reservations. However, at Peter's command he raised himself from his bed and did what Peter had told him to do.
Subsequently, Tabitha, having been a servant for God and truly loved for her works of mercy, was raised fromthe dead Peter may have been shocked at the power imposed on him by Our Lord but the evidence wouldn't allow him to deny it.
Thus through the actions and signs throughout Joppa and Lydda, their fame spread. Many who had witnmessed the power of God in them came to believe and were baptized. he faith spread like wildfire and soon encompassed the known world.

The disciples who heard Jesus tell them they had to "eat His flesh and drink His blood" were turned off as they recalled the prohibition againgt the drinking of blood and eating human flesh.
We also find it impractical to follow their edicts. However, we know we subject ourselves to the final judgement oif we decide Our Church is wrong in its counseling us to receive His Body and Blood frequently.
We must remember Goid has NO time. Unlike us who measure days and years when Jesus consecrated the brad and wine at the Last Supper, He emulaed the recollection of the Jews at passover time. They believe they are present at the Exodus just as their ancesters were physically. The Greek expression connoting "rememberence" has the nuance of actual presence not just symbolically as some people suppose.
When we eat His flesh and Drink His blood we procalim the death of Jesus fr our sins and the sins of the whole world.

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