Thursday, May 21, 2009

Friday May 22, 2009 of the Sixth Week of Easter

Readings: ACTS 18: 9-18 Psalm 47: 2-7 John 16: 20-23
Psalm Response: " God is King over all the earth!"

This is the story of Paul's second vision, the first being his conversion on the way to Damascus. In this vision, Paul is encouraged to remain steadfast. God was with him!
Wouldn't it be neat to have personal guarantees from the Lord you would not be harmed? However, God's promise was Paul's eternal salvation and his entrance into eternal life would not be harmed.
God, them appoints an official of the Romans Gallio, to rebuff the Jews by refusing to recognize a violation of Roman Law. As a result, in their frustration, they took their anger out on a synagogue official.

The Psalm follows the first reading by proclaiming His Kingship over all the nations and that is the case!

Jesus uses the example of a woman's labor pains being forgottenonce the child is borne.
One of our sons' wives claimed, "Christ must have been a man!' She remembered every contractio, nausea attack, uncomfortablness, constipation and hemmeroids.

The example still provides the exteraordinary gift God gives to al believers and even to the irreverant.

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