Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday of the 6th Week of Easter

May 23, 2009
Readings ACTS 18: 23-28 Psalm 47: 2-3, 8-9, 10 John 16: 23b- 28
Response: "God is King over all the Earth!"
Retracing his steps, Paul makes it a point to visit all the Churches he had established in Greece and turkey. His purpose was two-fold. One, to reconfirm their faith and two to answer any questions they might have.
The Bishops of our time do much the same. They are assigned, in succession to the original Bishops, to a territory including many parishes. He visits them on occasion to preach in his own way and to answer any perplexing questions we might have.
While in Ephesis, Paul ran into a Jewish Scripture scholar named Apollos, who was a
convert to Christianity and spoke eloquently about his understanding of the Scriprues. Priscilla and Aquila heard him and although his message was great it had some portions which didn't agree with the message they were taught and which Paul proclamed. Since there can be only one truth, they took him under their wing, so to speak,and he was able on his journey to other areas to expound what he had been taught in a clearer manner.

The psalm response reminds us Who's in charge, He is omniscent so His word can not be denied. No ruler, king or savant can oppose Him in what they teach for ultimately He is the source of truth, through His Holy Spirit.

Christ in His discertations from time to time may have spoken in terms the Apostles didn't completely understand. In the message from today's reading He will speak in language no one can misunderstand.
People in our day try to twist the teachings of our Church to suit their own agenda. In the case of the Church's absolute prohibition of direct abortion,for any reason, the "choice" people offer "sensible' reasons for permitting the tremination of a baby. " It's justa blob" they'll say; or
"it'll ruin my dasughter's, sister's, cousin's carrer". and the line goes on interminable to " she, we can't afford another mouth to feed and educate.
What do they not understand when God's says"I knew you from your mother's womb"?
(Jerimiah 1: 5)

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