Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I thought I was going crazy! I wrote these thoughts on a scrap of paper to write this blog today. However, I placed the paper on our dresser before retiring. When I dressed this morning and sat down before the computer I couldn't find the slip of paper. So, I scoured the area thinking it may have dropped on the floor or elsewhere. I returned to the bedroom to discover the slip in my shirt pocket?

The modern scientific world uses tangible evidence to convince us of the validity their claims.
It is as though they discovered a previously unknown principal or substance. Therefore,personally, deserve the benefits of the discovery.
Formal education?; Inherited genealogical attributes? Observation?
Perhaps one or all of these contributed to their successful enterprise!
No doubt, we all should have a modicum of pride in our accomplishments. However, how many of us credit any of those for our success?
We usually think we are somehow the source! After all hasn't the process evolved from previous failures? You have been the core of the solution. Therefore, you deserve the proceeds from the product.

The story of creation in Holy Scripture is a likely story, you say! We can believe that?
Faith is given every creature by God through the Holy Spirit. Consequently, if the long process of discovery has any order, we must grant, to some essence, the mind, the mythological elements of the story!

The author expresses the process of creation in phenomenological language, not to set out the tenets of belief, but to allow ordinary folk to fathom the depths of God's love for his ultimate creation, man!!
Upon reading the Priestly tradition of Scripture, all plants and animal life began from God. His call to increase and multiply was implied in the nature of plants and animals by the germination of their seed. Whether plant, animal or human being life begins with the seed at germination! Billions of seeds are produced by their source, however , most do not become full grown plants, animals and human beings by God's design.
One only has to look upon an acorn to imagine the massive structure's growth. How could it be? No scientIST, biologIST, or any other "IST", created any source, the seed!
All the machinations of Science have been able to mutate from God's original untold varieties. However, no one has instigated a new, unknown substance from non-existence.
The point is whether we are scientIST, or any other "IST", the ultimate "IST" is CHRIST!

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