Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday August 10, 2009

Monday August 10, 2009 of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time
Readings: Deuteronomy 10: 12-22 Psalm 147: 12-15, 19-20 Matthew 17: 22-27
Psalm Response: “Praise the Lord, Jerusalem”

Moses begins his dissertation by re-saying the words of previous writings to impress on the people of Israel, their God meant what was said in the beginning of their venture and His continuing providence.
When Jacob (Israel) journeyed to Egypt for grain when famine struck the land, he took with him his sons and their families numbering 70 people. Now, they consist of hundreds of thousands and are the heirs of the land which their God had given them.
Why were they so special? They were the prodigy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with whom He had made His covenant to remain with them always.
However, a covenant is a two way street! If they had kept up their end of the bargain, perhaps His plan of salvation would have come through Judean Tradition. They rebelled against His Son and we replaced them as the heirs of the Kingdom of God.
If the Jews could be supplanted; who do we think we are? It is up to us to make the rest of the world cognizant of their peril if they do not take His words seriously.
Do your part by imitating Christ in everything as He is the creator of everything.

We can start by taking the words of the psalmist and placing them permanently on our heart.

The request of the toll takers for the tax on foreigners is replied to by Jesus when he has Peter, the fisherman, toss in a line and remove from the first fish a coin worth twice the normal tax. Jesus obviously didn’t want to accelerate His prediction of His death. So not to stir up emotion He had Peter pay the Tax; although as citizens they weren’t really required.
Every Sunday, we attend the celebration of the Eucharist. During The “Offertory” the ushers pass a basket to collect our ‘Offerings’. Do we give generously to support our Church and our Pastor’s work or do we chinch and pay lip service to the tithe God requires?
The measure of our generosity will be determined when we come face to face with the One who judges.


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