Monday, July 13, 2009

Tuesday July 14,2009

Tuesday July 14, 2009 of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time
Readings: Exodus 2: 1-15a Psalm 69 Matthew 11: 20-24
Psalm Response: “Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live”

The origin of Moses as the future leader of the Hebrews has many exciting elements.
As one of the Hebrew boys the Pharaoh ordered killed, the hand of God shows in the narrative as the boy is put into the river, and miraculously is saved by the kin of the Pharaoh who had decided to end the growth of the Hebrews.
As the story unwinds we also see Moses serve as judge and jury in the case of the Egyptian abusing Hebrews and the calloused response of the abused when Moses came to their rescue forcing him to flee the wrath of Pharaoh!
The segue, from Prince of the royal household to a fugitive takes up only a few verses.
It appears, Moses was selected by God long before he was actually called to lead the Hebrews out of slavery
When we’re born, we have no idea what God’s plan is for us. However, we need not wallow in ignorance. We have been given many latent talents. It is up to us to discern what is best for us and our families and pursue it as assiduously as did Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Don’t allow the lure of success and wealth to be the onlygoal of you life but whatever God makes known to you.

When we read the words of Matthew as he describes Christ’s reaction to the indifference of the pagan towns where He had shown concrete evidence of His Divine nature, perhaps we should cower in expectation of God’s wrath as we seem indifferent to th moral decay surrounding us.

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