Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Readings: ACTS 16: 1-10 Psalm 100: 1-3,5 John 15: 18-21

At first glance, Paul seems to recant on his opinion, new converts need not abide by the works of the law, especially circumcision. However, faith of the mother in the tradition of the Jews determined the faith of the children. Since Timothy'd father was a Greek, a non-believer, inorder for Tim to be acceptable in Jewish assemblies, Paul thought it best he be circumcised. Timothy was special ambassador for Paul and Paul considered him his spiritual son.
One wonders; " Did the Jews strip search unknown males to check whether they were properly dressed to enter into the Temple?

Christ's message to His disciples and us is to expect controversy! We believe Christ's resurrection from the dead. No one before, nor since, has been raised from the dead by the Father. Therefore, our associates, friends and even family could ridicule and demean us with theri barbed comments. The Greeks in Athens had the same reaction! When he spoke of the Athanasia, teh resurrection in Greek, he turned them off to argue, " Talk to us some i=other time." as they thought he was referring to another of the plentitude of gods in their midst.
We can expect the same treatment! Be steadfast! The Holy Spirit will give you the words to use at the proper moment.
Learn your faith! When people deride your religion or beliefs be ready to respond with love to anyone who may wonder about your shouts of joy!

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