Friday, March 6, 2009

Reflections Thursday 3-5- & Friday 3-6-09

Thursday March 5, 2009 of the 1stWeek in Lent

Readings : Esther C-12: 14-16; 23-25 Psalm 138 Matthew 7: 7-12
Psalm Response: “ Lord, on the day I called for help, You answered me.”

In previous chapters of Esther, we learned the King of Babylon was enthralled with the beauty of Esther a Jewish detainee, her simple wisdom. Therefore, he took her into one pf his harems. When his queen, Vashti, rebelled.against an order of the king, he was advised to depose her and parade the most beautiful maidens in his kingdom from whom he could select her successor. The maidens appeared, unadorned, but Esther was, by far, the most beautiful. She pleased the king who crowned her his queen.
The king didn’t know Esther was a Jew. He had doomed those who remained in Babylon after Cyrus, the king of Persia defeated the Babylonians and released those who wished to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their city and their Temple.

One of the king’s ministers, trying to make a name for himself, convinced the king, the Jews were plotting against him and would ultimately cause his demise.
So, the minister, Haram, proposed the execution of all the Jews as a solution to the problem.
Esther’s uncle, Mordeci, had attained a position of pride in the king’s court and, being a Jew, was in jeopardy, as was Esther.
Esther prostrated herself in homage and prayed to her God aloud, constantly for intercession.
Since she wasn’t an educated woman, she prayed to God for the wisdom and words to persuade the king not to fulfill Haram’s solution.
Ultimately, Mordeci, was the instrument sent by God to dissuade the king from carrying out the out the order of Haram.

When we look to the recent past, Hitler and his minions sought to solve the “Jewish Problem” by inhumane means. Just as today, the “population problem” and the Abortionist solution, even where under-population prevails uses inhumane methods to put forth their culture of death upon the innocent.

By our prayers and protestations may direct abortion be seen as murder of innocent life.

The psalm induces us to believe the answer to all our problems lies with consistant prayer. As Esther relied on her God and He answered, so, may our lifetime of prayer bring about the reverence of life at all progressive stages.

Christ tells His disciples and US, when we sincerely pray, whatever the petition, His response will not only be quick but consistent with His promises to provide for us. He is our Creator; knows our needs and how to best resolve any questions, if we have Faith.


Friday March 6. 2009

Readings: Ezekiel 18: 21-28 Psalm 130 Matthew 5: 20-26
Psalm Response: "If You O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand!"

All the readings for this solemn day, relate to the disobedience of the people to God's commands, His readiness to forgive and forget.
Humans tend to remember , not the good we do, but, they dwell on what we did. The verses from Ezekiel in the words of God, tell our duty is to be like Him. Forgiving iniquity and removing the guilt attentant our eyes and memory.
We are reminded we are vulnerable and must be guarded at all times. Temptation is rampant, never ending, or receding. So, like sentinals, we must at all times, be alert to the evil one's urgings.
As related in the Psalm, God knows our every mood and acxtion. He doesn't stop us from our deeds, but allows our consciences to decide, from the experience of His Church, how we should conduct our lives.

How far should we go, when we become aware of our sinful actions? Christ asks us to settle things among ourselves before we are sunjected to constabulary intervention. He even tells us to delay our offerings, which He deserves, to make settlement with our adversaries.
Relating our anger to murder seems farfetched! However, every hateful action has a beginning. Someone takes us for granted and we don't ponder his motives but, flat out, try to justify our thoughts. Each time someone disses a proposal of ours we lash out! Soon, the dislike becomes obsession; obsession hate; and, hate blssoms into inhumanm action!

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