Monday, August 17, 2009

Wednesday 8-19-2009

Wednesday 8-19-2009 of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time
Readings: Judges 9: 6-15 Psalm 21: 2-7 Matthew: 20: 1-16
Psalm Response: “ Lord in Your strength the king is glad”

The symbol of the myth of the trees asking for the Olive, Fig and Grape Vine being implored to reign over the other less noble trees, Abimelech was the least of the tribesmen of Gideon. Yet, Abimelech was consecrated King over the people and treated them as the Buckthorn tree treated the less honorable trees who selected it over the objection of those who refused.
In other words, they selection of a leader was without the sanction of t God.
When despots and tyrants replace rightful heirs, the people suffer the indignities imposed at their whim.
We should select our leaders based, not on their rhetoric, but on their experience and justice.

The Gospel selection would have been anathema to the Union Leadership of today.
In Jesus’ time, day laborers were hired and offered the usual days wage for their efforts on behalf of the owner.
To pay the first hired the same wage as the last seemed unfair to us whereas the customs of the time allowed the owner to determine the pay.
The point of the story was to place God in the role of the owner. Therefore, those who were always just received the same reward as those who repented in their last breath.
After all God’s prerogative in paramount not ours. We will be adequately rewarded for our actions both good and bad.

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