Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 6,2009 of Holy Week

Monday April 6, 2009 of Holy Week
Readings: Isaiah 42: 1-7 Psalm 29 John 12: 1-11
Psalm Response: “The Lord is my light and my salvation”

Through Isaiah, God states the ideal of His servant, whom He will send for their salvation
Some of the attributes will be His compassion, His Justice, His healing of the physically and religiously blind. Isaiah almost describes our Savior while he extols the Creator Who knew and made the boundaries of the Earth and drew its limits.

Psalm 29 is about the Lord’s signs. He is our light and our salvation; He banishes fear from His loyal servants.

Our overpaid celebrities, in addition to their place of adulation are given extraordinary powers to discern the right tactic to speak for their fans or so it seems.
Judases abound in the unacknowledged theft of goods and services so small, but in accumulation loom large.
Without Mary’s acceptance, where would our Savior find His abode.
Without Judas’ treachery would our Savior been killed?

Both, in their lives provided an aspect for our redemption.

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