Sunday, March 29, 2009

Monday March 30,2009 of the fifth week of Lent

Monday March 30, 2009 of the Fifth Week in Lent
Daniel 13: 1-9, 15-17, 33-62 Psalm 23: 1-6 John 8: 1-11
Psalm Response” Even though I walk in the valley of death, I will fear no evil for You are at my side”

The story of Joakim and his lovely bride Susanna, strikes us as one written by someone influenced by the writings of Solomon when the wisdom it took to attain the truth is apparent.
Prompted by God, the young Daniel shouts his objection to the portended execution of the daughter of Hilkiah. He had been told by the Lord she was innocent of the charges brought against her by the Elders who, moved by lust and desire wished to seduce and ravish her.
They had stationed themselves in hiding to be able to observe her bathing and consumed by lasciviousness tried to inveigle her to lie with them in opposition to her vows of chastity, except to her husband.
Fortunately for her Daniel came to her defense and cleverly had them perjure themselves by being unable, separately, to confirm where they had seen her in a compromising situation with a supposed lover.
Under the Law, they instead were stoned to death as was the practice when someone accused another of wrongdoing and was found untruthful in his accusation.
One wonders how many innocent and how many guilty have received justice through the perjured testimony of supposed eye-witnesses.

Susanna pleaded with the Lord for justice and received it through His servant Daniel. Though she was caught in troubled waters by lies she was extricated by her Shepherd Who always looks out for His sheep and ewes.

In a similar situation but with a guilty party having been reported for a capital offense, Jesus is asked by devious men to judge the sinfulness of a woman caught in an adulterous liaison. Rather than impose the Law, Jesus, knowing the accusers attempt to catch Him off guard; Instead, He turned the tables around and by implication elluminated their accusation with His own accusing finger. Since each of the accusers walked away, knowing He knew of their own sins, there was no one left to condemn her.

We should not allow ourselves to be duped into thinking own Mortal sins will be expunged by hope. God’s mercy is momentous! But we won’t get off scot free if we are obstinate and die unrepentant!

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